X-ray Tomography of the wooden crucifix by Donatello
The Soprintendenza per i beni storici artistici ed etnoantropologici of Venezia, Belluno, Padova and Treviso and the Soprintendenza per i beni storici artistici ed etnoantropologici of Friuli Venezia Giulia organized one day of study on may 15th, 2015, in order to divulge and promote the results of the diagnostic campaign and restoration of the wooden Crucifix by Donatello, exhibited in Santa Maria dei Servi church. The conference “Il restauro del Crocifisso di Donatello della chiesa dei Servi di Padova: diagnostica, intervento, approfondimenti” will be held in the cultural centre Beata Vergine delle Grazie in Udine.
Programma della giornata di studio
Among the analytic techniques applied before the restoration, and presented during the conference, one of the most relevant is the X-Ray Tomography; this was performed in the Laboratories of Centro Conservazione e Restauro “La Venaria Reale” (CCR), hosting a X-Ray Radiography/Tomography system suited for large artworks. The crucifix by Donatello has been one of the most precious artworks analysed by this system, which was designed and assembled in 2012-2013 for the project neu_ART, promoted by Regione Piemonte. The project involved more than 40 people between researchers, technicians and restorers and was coordinated by the CHNet unit of Turin. Partner of the project were the Physics Department of The University of Turin and the CCR itself, final recipient of the diagnostic instrumentation.
The artwork is actually exhibited together with other two crucifixes by Donatello in the exhibition “Donatello Svelato, Capolavori a confronto”, in the Museo Diocesano in Padova until july 26th.
Mostra “Donatello Svelato, Capolavori a confronto”