Research and Cultural Heritage: from Italy to Europe!
From today June 30th, 2015, to friday July 3rd, two between the major Renaissance buildings in Florence, Palazzo Vecchio and Palazzo Medici Riccardi, will host a four day meeting that will see Italy as the central hub for European and international initiatives promoting Cultural Heritage.
Two projects under Italian leadership will be presented, IperionCH and PARTHENOS, supported by the European Commission under the Horizon2020 program.
Moreover, on July 2nd, the Salone dei Dugento of Palazzo Vecchio will host the workshop “E-RIHS: Shaping the European Research Area of Heritage Science” in view of the construction of a permanent European research infrastructure for Cultural Heritage. Partners of the infrastructure will be CNR, ENEA and INFN. The president of INFN, Fernando Ferroni, will present the role of the Institute in the European initiatives, through the Cultural Heritage network CHNet.
The event is sponsored by Regione Toscana and the municipality of Florence and financially supported by CNR, INFN, PIN s.c.r.l. of the University of Florence.
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