One evening at the museum
The CHNet unit of Bologna organized a visit to the Egyptian Section of the Archaeological Museum of Bologna for the Rotay Club Bologna, invited by the director of the museum, Dr. Giovetti. The event was organized on the occasion of the inauguration of the subsection (curator Dr. Picchi) in which some animal mummies restored by Dr. Oliva (restoration promoted by Rotary Club) are exhibited. The restored mummies are a cat, two ibis and a falcon. The restoration was conducted together with a diagnostic campaign based on X-ray tomography, carried on by the researchers of CHNet and University of Bologna.

Contacs for CHNet Bologna – University of Bologna:
Prof. Franco Casali
Dr.ssa Maria Pia Morigi
Dr. Matteo Bettuzzi
Dr.ssa Rosa Brancaccio
Dr.ssa Eva Peccenini