Next Training Camp of IPERION 20 days left to apply!
After the first edition in Sansepolcro (here some photos ), is ready for the next edition of the Training Camp devoted to the non-invasive in-situ diagnostic applied to Cultural Heritage.
The school is organized in L’Aquila from October 15th to 20th by CNR, INFN through CHNet, Opificio delle Pietre Dure, INSTM and ENEA, with the collaboration of the University of L’Aquila and the support of MiUR. The location, Palazzetto dei Nobili, into the city centre, is one of the first public cultural spaces returned to the city after the terrible earthquake in 2009.
The participants will work on artworks made available by the Arcidiocesi of L’Aquila and the Soprintendenza Unica Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per la Città dell’Aquila e i Comuni del Cratere. They will apply the main optical and X-ray techniques and 3d scanning.
The school is addressed to PhD students and young researchers who work in diagnostic applied to cultural heritage, as well as to restorers, conservators and art historians. Participation is reserved to 20 people. The deadline for the application is September 20th, 2015.

More information can be found in the school website: