IperionCH.it and Alexander’s secrets
The diagnostic campaigns for IPERION CH.it national calls have just started. IPERION CH.it is the national hub for Cultural Heritage promoted by Miur and involving CNR (National Research Council), INFN (National Institute for Nuclear Physics, with CHNet), INSTM (a consortium of 46 universities) and OPD (Opificio delle Pietre Dure). With the pilot call 2014 IPERION CH.it gives access for the first time to its laboratories and competencies for the study of Italian artworks, monuments and archaeological sites. Among all the submitted projects, seven were selected on the basis of scientific excellence by a panel of external auditors.
In these days measurements on the Alexander Mosaic of the National Archaeological Museum in Naples are going on. The huge mosaic (5,82 m x 3,13 m), composed of millions of tiny tiles and representing the battle of Issus, was found in the House of the Faun in Pompeii and brought to Naples in the beginning of 20th Century. The diagnostic campaign aims at both evaluating the conservation state of the mosaic by a 3-D scan and at characterising the materials with elemental and molecular non-invasive analyses.
CHNet is involved in the campaign with its portable XRF scanner.

Read the press release on INFN website.