CHNet researchers analysing textile samples from Pompeii
Several diagnostic investigations have been carried out onto archeological textile samples from Pompeii and the surrounding area by the researchers of CHNet- Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati in the framework of a scientific collaboration between Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità of Sapienza University of Rome and Laboratorio di Ricerche Applicate of Parco Archeologico di Pompei (NA). The diagnostic measurements were performed at the CHNet unit of the Dafne-Luce Synchrotron Light Laboratory. One of the main objectives was the classification of the fibers by spectroscopic techniques. The samples are dated between the II century BC – I century AD and characterized by a high historical value. The CHNet researchers in collaboration with the Dr. Francesca Coletti, archaeologist of Sapienza University, have carried out a morphological analysis of the fibers by means of Optical and Scanning electron microscopes (SEM), while the spectroscopic classification was done by infrared spectroscopy in Fourier transform (FT- IR) and Raman spectroscopy.