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Sunday is sunday: Training Camp Day 4
Collaborations, E-RIHS, Education, In-situ analysis, Schools, TC
October 18th, 2015

Saturday at the Training Camp in L’Aquila: day 3
Collaborations, E-RIHS, In-situ analysis, Schools, TC
October 17th, 2015

Training Camp 2015 @ L’Aquila: day2
Collaborations, E-RIHS, Education, Schools, TC
October 16th, 2015

Next Training Camp of IPERION CH.it: 20 days left to apply!
Collaborations, E-RIHS, Education, In-situ analysis, Schools, TC
After the first edition in Sansepolcro (here some photos ), IperionCH.it is ready for the next edition of the Training Camp devoted to the non-invasive in-situ diagnostic applied to Cultural Heritage. The school is organized in L’Aquila from October 15th to 20th by CNR, INFN through CHNet, Opificio delle Pietre Dure, INSTM and ENEA, with […]

Research and Cultural Heritage: from Italy to Europe!
From today June 30th, 2015, to friday July 3rd, two between the major Renaissance buildings in Florence, Palazzo Vecchio and Palazzo Medici Riccardi, will host a four day meeting that will see Italy as the central hub for European and international initiatives promoting Cultural Heritage. Two projects under Italian leadership will be presented, IperionCH and […]

IperionCH.it and Alexander’s secrets
Collaborations, E-RIHS, In-situ analysis, Projects
The diagnostic campaigns for IPERION CH.it national calls have just started. IPERION CH.it is the national hub for Cultural Heritage promoted by Miur and involving CNR (National Research Council), INFN (National Institute for Nuclear Physics, with CHNet), INSTM (a consortium of 46 universities) and OPD (Opificio delle Pietre Dure). With the pilot call 2014 IPERION […]