“Art and archaeology detectives” are back…
Due to the success of the 2014 edition , the CHNet unit of Turin, in collaboration with the Physics Department of the Turin University and the support of Fondazione Fondo Ricerca e Talenti, organizes the series of meetings:
New questions are waiting for our detectives!
Turin, Rettorato of Turin University, Aula Magna – Via Verdi, 8, 18.00-19.30
October 8th, 2015: HOW WERE WE BEFORE?
Science and anthropology lead us to discover our ancestors’ habits
Rosa Boano – Life Science Department, Anthropology and Ethnology Museum (University of Turin)
Carmine Lubritto – Dip. di Scienze e Tecnologie Ambientali, Biologiche, Farmaceutiche (Second University of Naples ), President of AIAr (Associazione Italiana di Archeometria)
Daniele Petrella – IRIAE, International Research Institute for Archaeology and Ethnology (Naples)
October 15th, 2015: TRUE OR FALSE?
Tools and techniques helping us to establish the authenticity of an artwork
Marianne Mödlinger – IRAMAT-CRP2A (Université Bordeaux Montaigne, Francia) e Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry Department (University of Genoa)
Ferruccio Petrucci – Physics and Earth Science Department (University of Ferrara) and INFN (Unit of Ferrara)
Thierry Radelet – Laboratory of restoration and analysis Persano-Radelet (Turin)
October 22nd, 2015: HOW VALUABLE IS IT?
Analytical techniques for the study of precious material
Danilo Bersani – Physics and Earth Science Department (University of Parma)
Andrea Cagnini – Scientific Laboratory Opificio delle Pietre Dure (Florence)
Raffaella Navone – R.A.G. Gemological Researches and Analyses (Turin)
October 29th, 2015: HOW CAN WE PRESERVE IT?
Strategies and challenges in conservation and promotion of cultural heritage
Lorenzo Appolonia – Soprintendenza per i beni e le attività culturali (Regione Autonoma Valle d’Aosta)
Marco Biscione – Fondation Torino Musei, Director of MAO (Oriental Art Museum, Turin)
Emanuela Pulvirenti – Triskeles Studio Associato (Caltanissetta)
CHAIR: Alessandro Re, Silvia Allegretti, Debora Angelici, Jacopo Corsi, Ambra Idone (UniTo and INFN-Turin)
Info and reservations on: http://bcseminari.eventbrite.it o via mail: BCseminari@gmail.com
We are also on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/RicercaETalenti/events
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